Dan Haynes
As a new grandparent, I enjoy utilizing art as a way to communicate with this young soul.
The author of the book and the artistic illustrations provide a story that keeps his young mind intrigued. The story tells about a tractor that becomes a hero for all the farm animals. My grandson can go to sleep knowing a tractor will help keep him safe. Art is a great way to influence concepts and leave impressions. Much of my art has a theme that encourages discussions about my thoughts on idealism. I practice offsetting the damage caused by realism and preach a short mantra I call “Continuous Renewal.” I like art that provokes thoughts about Honesty, Kindness, Sincerity, Loyalty, and sometimes “The Meaning of Mankind”.
My favorite medium is metal. I have many years of experience working with all metals. Copper has been a major influence as I practiced the art of controlling the colors produced with torches. I have surrounded myself with artists, artists that are masters and artists that are experimenting with their skills. These surroundings give me inspiration while learning the techniques from new technologies and the skills of master artists. I occasionally design a piece but as often as not, I let the materials guide me into an inspiration. After a basic design has satisfied my purposes, I begin the process of “painting with torches”. The numerous techniques combined with control of the heat begin producing a beautiful highlight to the art.
I hope you enjoy this art.